“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~Anaïs Nin
If you are experiencing abuse in your relationship, I want you to know…
...I get it.
I understand.
Most importantly, I also understand the freedom that comes with healing from abuse. Healing IS possible. I found hope through my own healing journey with a therapist and I have created a life that feels meaningful and purposeful to me. Healing is a powerful and life changing experience.
I know the possibilities that spring forth from having a safe space to share your story, to have a voice, to explore what is true for you and untangle all of the untruths you may hold about yourself from your abuse experience. I know that freedom comes from finding value in yourself and owning your thoughts and choices.
Not all therapists will understand the complex experience of abuse or the loss of self in relationship with another human being who was supposed to love and honor you. My passion is supporting individuals who may feel stuck, uncertain, fearful or overwhelmed in their relationship, either from an abusive partner/spouse relationship, or even by their family of origin.
I help women who have experienced toxic, unhealthy, abusive relationships recreate a life that feels meaningful and manageable.
My clients struggle much like you do. Despite being loyal and loving, they feel they can never “get it right” in their relationship.
When they first come in for counseling they are often walking on eggshells and feeling stuck and uncertain about how to feel better or fix things. They have tried everything and don’t have a lot left to give.
They are juggling work, home, and childcare duties and are exhausted trying to keep everyone happy. They often have little support and feel isolated from others.
The pressure has left them feeling overwhelmed. They aren’t the confident, happy person they would like to be. They’re at a place where they wonder “how did I get here?”
Before coming to see me they are often thinking there is something wrong with them. They are worried that they are “too sensitive” or “broken” and feel like they have lost themself somewhere along the way. Sometimes they have found their physical freedom from their toxic relationship, but the emotional wounds still hold them back from fully trusting themselves and others again.
Like these women, you deserve to have a safe space to share your story without fear of being judged. Your current story doesn’t have to define your future. Untangling your abuse experience brings you closer to freedom.
“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.” ~ Jean Paul Sarte
Freedom feels like walking this earth a little lighter after unpacking the old stories learned from your toxic relationship that keep you feeling stuck. Freedom comes from learning to find and honor your voice again. Freedom is being able to see possibilities, hope, and to feel understood and valued. Healing is a gift to yourself, while also setting the tone for all other relationships in your life.
There is hope in healing. I’d like to help you get there.
You can reach me via email or call me at 336-901-2999 to schedule a free phone consultation.
There are intimate partner violence resources available should you need support. If you are in immediate danger, call 911 now.
Resources for Guilford and Alamance County, NC
Guilford County, North Carolina Resources
The Guilford County Family Justice Center (FJC) is a “one stop shop” for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and elder abuse. At each of our Guilford County locations, professionals from 15 different disciplines work together to provide consolidated and coordinated safety, legal, social, and health services to individuals and families in need.
Alamance County, North Carolina Resources
National Resources